When installing the Helper Tool, make sure you are authenticating with your computer administrator password, not your TunnelBear password.
If you're still unable to get it installed, it could be that the Helper Tool doesn't have the permissions it needs. Not to worry, the fix is quite simple.
MacOS 10.11 (El Capitan) or newer:
- Quit the TunnelBear application.
- Hold down on the [command] key and tap [spacebar] to launch Spotlight (macOS search).
- Type in 'Terminal' to launch the Terminal app.
- Copy/paste in the following command and hit the Enter key
sudo launchctl enable system/com.tunnelbear.mac.tbeard
- Try to launch TunnelBear now. If you are prompted to install a helper tool, please make sure to 'Allow'.
MacOS 10.10 (Yosemite):
- Hold down on the [command] key and tap [spacebar] to launch Spotlight (macOS search).
- Type in 'Terminal' to launch the Terminal app. Please copy and paste in each of the following commands. Make sure to do one at a time, and hit the [return] or [enter] key after each one. You may be prompted to enter your device password as well:
sudo launchctl unload -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.tunnelbear.mac.tbeard.plist
sudo rm /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.tunnelbear.mac.tbeard.plist
sudo rm /Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/com.tunnelbear.mac.tbeard
sudo killall com.tunnelbear.mac.tbeard
sudo launchctl enable system/com.tunnelbear.mac.tbeard
After running the above commands, try to launch TunnelBear again. You should be prompted to install the helper tool which you'll need to allow. Then, quit the TunnelBear app normally, relaunch it, and see if any issues persist.
Installing Helper Tool on MacOS using Computer Administrator password.
If you continue to run into issues, reach out to our friendly Support Bears for further assistance.